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Small Hammock Cover



1.  If using jersey or knit fabric - cut 16” long and 12” wide. If the fabric allows, you may go longer, but don’t go wider than 12”.


     •  If using demin or woven cotton material - cut 15" long x 13" wide. If the fabric allows, you may go longer, but don’t go much wider than 13”.


     •   If you use a t shirt, cut the fabric as shown. If cut the other way, the fabric will be much more stretchy.


     •    If using cotton or denim fabric, it doesn't matter which way the fabric is cut.



This hammock cover is basically a sleeve that fits onto the small size pvc hammock frame. I typically use t-shirt or golf / polo shirt material for the small hammocks. I also use denim and cotton woven fabric as well. (See notes at the end regarding fabric choice.)



Materials List:

• 1 t-shirt or polo shirt or just under a yard of jersey, knit, cotton or denim fabric – see notes at the end regarding fabric choice


• Sewing machine (My favorite stitch is the “triple stretch stitch” with a ball point twin needle. It seems to hold up really well with the weight of cats and the frequent washing in the shelter environment, but a regular straight stitch with a single needle works as well.)


• Fray Check (not required, but highly recommended)   • Thread   • Scissors   • Ruler or measuring tape

Finished Cover on Hammock Frame

2.  Hem the 24” cut side(s). If you are using a tag, sew to the hem.


      If you need some ideas on how to make simple tags, see the instructions titled "Tags".



3.  Fold the fabric in half, with right sides together, and sew the 16” sides together.

4.  Turn right side out.




5.  Slide fabric onto the frame.


To download printable pdf instructions, click on the pdf icon.


End notes: Fabric choice - I make most of the hammock covers from previously owned clothing, mostly shirts, skirts & jeans. I usually get them from family members who are no longer wearing them, or from thrift shops and yard sales. When I get the clothes home, I wash them in hot water and add ½ - 1 cup of white vinegar with the laundry soap to get any storage smells out. I stay away from slippery or very stretchy material. The slippery material doesn’t stay on the frame very well and the stretchy material doesn’t have the strength to hold much weight.

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